For those of you who like to know the score going in, this yellow dress is Stella McCartney.

Jessica definitely got the makeup right; the red lipstick is exactly how she needs to work wearing canary. Things look a bit pinchy over on the left up there, but as Stella’s oeuvre goes, this isn’t as offensive to me. And isn’t THAT a glowing compliment… Frankly, I think, YET AGAIN, my immediate issue is the shoes. Why does Chastain always belly-flop with the footwear? They’re like that old Monty Python sketch on How Not To Be Seen, where yes, technically, you CAN’T see Mr. Nesbit of Harlow, but when there is only one bush to hide behind in a giant field, you know exactly where to put your explosives.

Then again, riddle me this: In this particular case, is it the frock color that’s making it hard? Would the shoes be easier to pair with this if the dress were not yellow? Those chilly blanks on her feet do nothing for me, but I can see why it might be tricky to find the right option — I almost think you have to go with a fun, bright, screaming contrasting shoe. But I don’t know. So even more than the dress, I really want to hash out the shoes you’d put with this. Chat it up, and post your links, if you’ve got ‘em, in the comments.

Let's get the dress out of the way:

  • Yes (45%, 2,770 Votes)
  • No (31%, 1,914 Votes)
  • Maybe? (24%, 1,459 Votes)

Total Voters: 6,143

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[Photo: Getty]