Jude Law and Alicia Vikander are attending the premiere of Firebrand at the Tribeca Festival; they costar in the film, which I ABSOLUTELY want to see now that I’ve read the Google description:

In Tudor England, Katherine Parr reluctantly agrees to become the sixth wife of the tyrannical King Henry VIII. Her consent to marry him carries great personal risk, given her predecessors are either vanquished, beheaded or dead. Perceived as a threat by Henry’s courtiers, they start to cast doubts about her fidelity and turn the increasingly paranoid king against her.

Jude Law is more of a Young Henry VIII (AKA Still Hot) than an Old Henry VIII (a total shitshow) but I will always allow this matter of creative license. HBO let ol Hank have abs for well longer than was historically accurate! The reviews are apparently not good, but that has never prevented me from consuming Henry VIII material. Also: Apparently Michelle Williams was originally in the Katherine Parr role. I feel like Vikander is better casting.

2024 Tribeca Festival -

And this dress, although possibly Over the Top for Tribeca, is honestly amazing. I want to see it up close!

(Photo by John Nacion/WireImage)