I do not understand why, more than half the time, Elisabeth Moss can not managed to pull off a major awards show look. She is lovely — and I love the blonde hair on her — but I have this personal theory that she and Christina Hendricks are styling each other and they each go home and say to their spouse/roommate/mom/lovah/cactus/cat/shoe collection, “Poor girl! She is doing SUCH a great job on me. BUT I AM TOTALLY F’ING WITH HER. Mwhahahahahahahahahaahahhaha.” Like, they’re basically double-crossing each other. It’s honestly the only rational explanation, you guys.
I legit wore this to my 8th grade dance. In 1989. (Never let it be said that I am lying about my age. Never let it be said that the only reason I’m not lying about my age is because I suck at math.)
She looked marginally better at the People pre-party:
…in kind of a Sassy Old Grandma Flapper kind of way.