Remember when Amy Smart was all over the place?
I guess she’s done a voice on Robot Chicken for years, but I always think of her as That Girl I Hated For Reasons I No Longer Recall on Felicity, and, of course, The Beek’s Sweet Girlfriend AKA The One Who Didn’t Wear the Whipped Cream Bikini in Varsity Blues. She also just made a movie called 12 Days of Christmas with Mark-Paul Gosselaar, which is either a Hallmark Hall of Fame or an ABC Family movie and regardless will surely have some Fromage in it to be Fugged. But does her gown require fugging as well?
You tell me, lovers:
- YES. IT'S HORRIBLE. (46%, 4,645 Votes)
- Nah, it's okay. (44%, 4,401 Votes)
- NO. IT IS RESPLENDENT. (10%, 1,019 Votes)
Total Voters: 10,066