I just need to say, for the seven thousandth time, that I don’t understand why Anne Hathaway got the Emma role in One Day (my short review: read it, don’t expect fluffy comedy) when Carey Mulligan exists. And that Anne’s accent goes awry even in the trailer (speaking of, you need to read this piece in the Guardian about that trailer. It has actual spoilers, but it really quite funny). And that, in all honesty, MY fake English accent is better than hers, and I only use it when I have to, say, call the pharmacy to see if they’re stocking ear wax remover or something similarly unglamorous.
But let’s talk about her outfit at the premiere:
It’s fine. She’s pretty. I’m bored. Or, as she would say in her movie accent, “OY’M BOOOOooooooooUUUUUUUUrd.”
What do you think??
- I like it! (42%, 5,591 Votes)
- It's okay, but it could be more FABULOUS. (44%, 5,940 Votes)
- HORRRRRIBLE. (14%, 1,927 Votes)
Total Voters: 13,459