This is a sneak peek at Anne in her Selina Kyle duds, from The Dark Knight Rises.
Part of me thinks this is great — it’s very Slick Woman of Mystery, and thus appeals to the same side of me that enjoys Dynasty and Passions and believes that people who aren’t at the horse races only wear these hats when they have secrets to reveal at people’s funerals and/or weddings. Which brings me to my question: If you are Selina Kyle, and you have a secret double identity as Catwoman, wouldn’t you rather traipse about Gotham looking resoundingly normal and unnoticeable? Would you really want to shuffle out into the street with your getaway suitcase looking like you knocked out some poor British Airways stewardess, left her unconscious body in a Wienerschnitzel bathroom, and are taking her place so you can skip the country and evade the law in, like, Monte Carlo? It’s the movie equivalent of that time in Kind Touch Parade when the cops asked whose cocaine they found and Jennifer Love Hewitt spent like ten minutes twitching and giving everyone the shifty eyes and then SURPRISE SURPRISE, she got busted.
So, I don’t know. I have concerns. But I guess at least the sinister hat looks fun.
What do you think?
- I have concerns about this movie. (19%, 2,035 Votes)
- She looks fabulous and I want it all. (52%, 5,543 Votes)
- She looks fine, but yeah, it's not exactly what you'd wear if you want to fly under the radar... (26%, 2,777 Votes)
- Blah (3%, 331 Votes)
Total Voters: 10,689

[Photo: Flynet]