I am glad that Carey Mulligan is out and about again. She’s one of those actresses whose outfits I don’t always love, but who always at least is INTERESTING. I would take Interesting Terrible over Bandage Dress Predictable any day of the year. I am also sincerely looking forward to complaining about the thought process behind making The Great Gatbsy in 3D (I mean, HONESTLY. WHAT NEXT) for at least the next several months, so….you know. Prepare yourself for that. Sorry, Carey. It’s not your fault, but it’s also INSANE.
I don’t know that this needs the same kind of loin girding:
It’s festive? She’s at a charity event for Alzheimer’s Disease, so it’s also appropriately demure. But is it too old? A little dated? Not quite exactly right? I don’t know. I haven’t had my coffee yet.
Ergo, I am turning this over to you:
- This is perfect. Very ladylike. (36%, 1,982 Votes)
- MEH. (49%, 2,661 Votes)
- I HATE THIS, and let me tell you why in the comments. (15%, 806 Votes)
Total Voters: 5,449