You guys know I love her. I mean, she is one of the stars of my Fictional English Countryside Weekend Party Murder/Romance/Time-Travel/Nazi Hunting/Comedy/Drama Miniseries, and I don’t funnel just ANY British celebrity into that, my most beloved but currently non-existent intellectual property. Dame Maggie Smith isn’t even in it! (That’s a lie. I just cast her as Matt Lewis’s meddling grandmother, who won’t release his trust fund until he marries someone she deems appropriate. Of course, eventually she will be won over by someone totally unsuitable, who nonetheless has refreshing moxie. Don’t worry. Although I might kill that Moxie-Having Unsuitable off in Part II: The War Comes and Ruins EVERYTHING.) But do I love this?
I kinda hate the shoes, but I kinda love the dress. I can’t help it. That color is just aces.
What do you think, gorgeous?
- I love it! (29%, 1,942 Votes)
- Meh. (13%, 856 Votes)
- Loathe it. (13%, 882 Votes)
- It needs totally different styling. (19%, 1,264 Votes)
- WHAT IS THAT PURSE? If it's lips...why are they BEIGE? ARE THEY DEAD LIPS? (21%, 1,423 Votes)
- DEAD LIPS is the name of my experimental punk band. (6%, 374 Votes)
Total Voters: 6,744