I love this picture:
“Wait. You DO want me to stand on this piece of duct tape, right? I know, it’s my mark…you don’t? Or you do? I’m so confused.”
I personally must admit to being somewhat confused by those bangs. She always looks CUTE, because she IS cute, but I wonder if someone decided the bangs would make her look younger, or something. Because they really do:
All of a sudden, she looks like Payson Keeler of Make It Or Break It – who doesn’t have bangs, actually, but Jennifer’s bangs somehow bring out the resemblance between their two pretty faces. Poor Payson is having a rough time. Her boyfriend broke up with her right at the start of Olympic training camp, allegedly because he’s confused about his bisexuality, but in reality because that actor has a starring role on Revenge now. Although I sincerely wish his break-up letter to her had read, “I can’t be in a relationship with you at the moment because shit has gotten real here in the Hamptons,” it did not.
ANYWAY. I guess being an Olympic-caliber gymnast with boy problems isn’t quite as bad as being The Girl On Fire.
Is this dress?
- This is On Fire, in the sense that it's a HOT MESS. (10%, 917 Votes)
- This is cute! Calm down! (50%, 4,489 Votes)
- Meh. Not terrible. But no where near the best of her looks on this particular junket. (40%, 3,653 Votes)
Total Voters: 9,060