In all the furor over Ryan Gosling’s checkered shiny suit and Emma Stone’s hip horns and whatnot, we kind of forgot all about Julianne Moore, who is in that movie, and who is, well, Julianne Moore. And it seems she has taken that fact to heart, going around doing her usual Julianne Moore thing, but better — no two-in-one dresses, no gigantic sleeves. Just regular stuff and that hair. That lovely red hair. I know everyone hated her on 30 Rock, but I found her kind of entertaining. She’s a Weasley at heart, make no mistake.
- Crazy! (4%, 186 Votes)
- Stupid! (8%, 399 Votes)
- Love! (51%, 2,629 Votes)
- Milquetoast Moderately Intelligent Like (38%, 1,948 Votes)
Total Voters: 5,162
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[Photos: Splash News and Flynet]