This is unabashedly reptilian.

She looks like a very posh disaster movie, like parts of The Amazing Spider-Man cross-pollinated with an issue of Vogue. Actually, it really reminds me of this HEINOUS(ly hilarious) old sci-fi horror flick called — wait for it — Sssssss, starring Dirk Benedict and the girl who played Louisa in The Sound of Music, focusing on a guy who works as a research assistant for a famed old crackpot and realizes ONLY TOO LATE that said crackpot is experimenting on HIM by slowly turning him into a serpent. I’m sorry if I ruined your life just now by spoiling that  movie, but really, I didn’t, because there is never any doubt that this is the plot. I won’t share the ending, except to say that it is obviously MAGNIFICENT. I wish they’d cross-pollinate THAT with Orphan so that we could just flat-out call it What’sssssss The Matter With Esssssssther? Anyone up for a sequel?

Oh, right, Kate’s dress. Having said all that above, is it wrong that I might love it? The damn thing is so groovy.

Ssssssshare your thoughtsssssss:

  • Sssssssuper (40%, 3,148 Votes)
  • Ssssssstrange but maybe okay? (38%, 3,047 Votes)
  • Sssssssuper icky (22%, 1,740 Votes)

Total Voters: 7,936

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