Of this style, I noted, “Looking like your butt is on backward is hot for spring,” and, “Is that in PLACE OF a purse?”
I enjoy calling myself out on the opinions I had that end up changing, but honestly, I’m not sure how else I’m supposed to feel about this. I like the stripes; she looks like a ribbon wheel in Candy Spelling’s wrapping room. But as for the shape, it doesn’t matter that she’s Marion Cotillard and she’s gorgeous and she’s got a dreamy figure; in this, she is simply a very lovely woman who looks like she’s caught Ass Backward Syndrome. And not even in a way that permits overeager snack consumption, because it starts at her pelvis. So if it’s NOT Ass Backward Syndrome, it’s Vagina Inflatada.
She did better elsewhere:
The waist might choke up on her chest a tad, and slightly less soft head-styling — a rich red lip, methinks — might’ve made this look more confident. But frankly, that’s a small quibble. She looks like a very elegant Dalmatian, which I have never said before, so I’m giving this one the win.
Which is your favorite?
- The stripes (6%, 156 Votes)
- The dots (72%, 1,893 Votes)
- I can't choose! Too much love. (5%, 141 Votes)
- I can't choose, because I can't give a win to EITHER. (17%, 457 Votes)
Total Voters: 2,647

[Photos: Getty]
[Photos: Getty]