First and foremost, I like Maggie G’s short bob:
I like it so much that I sort of want it, despite knowing that I don’t have the wavy hair to pull it off, and I know I don’t like how I look with hair that length. What is it about the human condition that tempts us to do things to our hair that we KNOW we’re not going to like when we’ve done it? I suppose it must be boredom.
About the rest of her ensemble: I think I like it. I’m not wholly enamored of the shoe choice, but I GET IT and I think it supports her overall look, you know? She’s kind of that quirky bohemian type, anyway, and she looks summery and casual without being sloppy.
But there was another look spied at this event that I wholeheartedly support and indeed wish everyone else would emulate:
The best way to celebrate the fact that your Hollywood Walk of Fame star is going to be directly outside the Pig and Whistle pub IS to bring a pig to see it, and have a pint to celebrate in the meantime. I love you, Emma Thompson. I just want to know why you didn’t make Maggie G — who apparently gave the “I Love Emma Thompson” speech at the star installation — bring her own pig, as well. Pigs all around! I realize that this may also be the pig from The Return of Nanny McPhee: The Movie That Emma Thompson Chose to Do Instead of Being in Deathly Hallows Which Seems Insane to Me, Given That Surely It Only Would Have Taken a Couple of Days to Film Trelawny Tossing Her Crystals At Death Eaters In the Battle of Hogwarts But WHATEVER, but actually drinking a beer with a pig on the sidewalk is so amusing that I don’t even care if it’s also PR synergy. She’s THAT GOOD.