PHEW. The world hasn’t ended. In celebration — and because of Christmas and New Years, and ALSO because this is the time of the year when celebs hole up on private islands and don’t leave the house at all — our posting schedule will be light indeed between now and next year. We’ll have some fun special posts popping up, so definitely check back at your leisure, but normal posting will not resume until Wednesday, January 2, 2013. And then it’s awards season, so get ready to roll. Until then, enjoy:
– Romeo Beckham is SO CUTE in his Burberry ad. (Lainey)
– Last week’s Indiana Jones/University of Chicago mystery: SOLVED! (Red Eye Chicago)
- Which Wes Anderson character are you? I am Luke Wilson’s character from The Royal Tenenbaums, which makes sense given that I secretly love Gywneth Paltrow and not-secretly love sweatbands. (Flavorwire)
– This is interesting/pretty graphic. They’ve exhumed the killers from In Cold Blood because DNA evidence may tie them to other crimes. (Time)
– This guy made a gingerbread Downton Abbey. (Grubstreet)
– Vulture made a montage of all the characters and TV shows we lost this year. RIP RINGER!!!! Also, I enjoy that they used my favorite part of the One Tree Hill credits. (Vulture)
–This headline is spectacular: “Justin Bieber blasted by CA Hamster Association for giving pet to fan.” (Celebitchy)
– The Cut tracked down a variety of original Playboy bunnies to see what they’re up to now. Most of them are doing damn well for themselves. (The Cut)
– Grantland reviews the best of the year in sports — in highlight videos and gifs. Some of these gifs are gold, Jerry, GOLD! Also includes the Clipper’s Chris Paul’s son making fun of Blake Griffin, which is possibly my favorite thing of the year because THAT KID IS SO CUTE. (Grantland)
AND FINALLY, in a treasured GFY tradition, BEHOLD: