Gal skipped the blue carpet, and sidled out smiling to hand out the last award of the night (I think — I accidentally watched this thing roll into itself again and then halfway through I started over again with my niece, so I have LOST THE PLOT on when anything happened). From this angle, I love her dress: sparkly, elegant, sprightly. But then from other lighting…
… it’s sparkly, elegant, sprightly, and rather more see-through than I expected. I’m surprised at how much I still enjoy the outfit even though I dearly wish the lining went down just a LITTLE further. Much of that is probably due to Gal herself. She appeared to be having the time of her life, though, which is very heartwarming considering I suspect she hasn’t had a moment’s rest since Wonder Woman came out and the entire world wanted to clutch her to its crying bosom. May she always be such a good sport about letting us.
[Photos: Getty]