This is the best Cammy D’s head has looked in a long time.
In fact, her whole BEING looks pretty good. I will admit, I’m a little confused by her choice of outfit because, for a girl who’s often in a high-and-tight rut when it comes to skirts, picking something more modest at the Guys’ Choice Awards seems kind of counter-intuitive. There’s something grown-up and sophisticated about this that is welcome, but also highly irregular when you are popping up at a Spike TV event to promote a movie called Sex Tape. I’m not complaining; I actually like that and find it amusing, and while I don’t think I’d vote this FAB, per se, I actually like it and think it’s a great way to prove that sexiness isn’t determined by your skirt height.
is it YOUR choice?
- Yes! (63%, 2,803 Votes)
- Yes, but maybe for another party (21%, 924 Votes)
- No, because I just don't care for it (17%, 746 Votes)
Total Voters: 4,473

[Photo: Getty]