I keep forgetting Emma’s going back to this blond color — I hope it’s for a role and not because she loves how washed out it makes her look. Girlfriend, you are such a dishy redhead. Why are you forsaking the red this way? In fact, the entire time I was watching the new Spiderman trailer I kept thinking three things: a) this looks fun, b) I just love Emma Stone, and c) I forgot how much I disliked the blonde hair on her. Why are you reminding me of the latter and not so much of the former, doll? PS: I did leave Hunger Games thinking, “between Jennifer Lawrence and Emma Stone, I think we’re going to be okay.” I don’t mean as, like, a society — there are things even a red-haired Emma Stone can not fix — but in terms of the state of Young Hollywood’s Acting Future (Ladies Division). So there’s that. But in the immediate moment, there is THIS.
What do you think?
- Cute! (43%, 3,574 Votes)
- Sigh. I don't know what she's thinking lately. (8%, 683 Votes)
- The dress is actually great, but not with that HAIR COLOR. COME ON. (49%, 4,084 Votes)
Total Voters: 8,342