I can’t quite make out how sheer this truly is. The left side is hitting her in a different spot than it did the model on the runway, on whom it may not have seemed especially see-through just because perhaps the angle of the photo meant we couldn’t get a look at those bits. I’m guessing there’s some trick lining in there somewhere so that we can’t tell where it stops and Leg City begins. But I still enjoy all the riotous detail.

The longer I look at this, though, it does feel like a patch job — as if a bodice from one ditched design was ported to the skirt of another. The almost cartoonish flowers seem to be creeping on her rather than decorating her. If anyone can sell me on something unusual and possibly not quite cohesive, though, it’s the Lady Banks, a great ambassador for Elie Saab whenever she chooses to wear it. She’s damn near doing it here. I really want to throw my hands up in the air and score one for glitter and whimsy. But that makes it hard to type, so I’ll let you decide.


  • Yes! Glitter! Whimsy! (55%, 2,156 Votes)
  • I want to BUT I CAN'T (36%, 1,413 Votes)
  • I don't even want to. (9%, 334 Votes)

Total Voters: 3,903

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