This may surprise a lot of people, but I ended up going the reverse direction I normally do: In the beginning, I liked this, but the more I stared at it the more it lost me.
The hair is lovely, sure. I vacillate between thinking the bodice is appropriately sexy/snug, and perhaps sitting too low. But mostly my objection is the skirt. It’s… unconvincing. Heavy. Possibly bored of itself. It’s the Twilight movies of skirts: hoping desperately that you’ll be too distracted by the shiny hair and the pretty and the sparkle to notice that everything else is phoning it in.
Here is where you get to tell me that I'm a dangerous lunatic.
- You are a dangerous lunatic. (17%, 1,534 Votes)
- Actually, I'm not that sold on it either. (83%, 7,329 Votes)
Total Voters: 8,863
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[Photo: Getty]