I really like Heather Morris on Glee — although I am concerned that she is going to fall prey to the common Popular Tertiary Character disorder in which the PTC is so P that her part is boosted past being T, and then we discover that her C is best in small doses — but her outfit is confusing me:
I mean, doesn’t this look like the sort of thing you’ve seen on mannequins at the mall store that you can’t believe is still in business, because no one shops there and everything looks dated and flammable? There’s nothing wrong with being dated or flammable — I am, after all, both — but, you know, maybe not for an awards show. On the other hand, I stared at her for twenty minutes trying to figure out if her top was BeDazzled, or had holes punched in it (the latter, as it turns out), and maybe that’s all she wanted, anyway. In which case: well played! And be careful you don’t get your skirt grommet stuck on your car door. We need you ambulatory for the next season of Glee, if nothing else. Hey, she might dress crazy but we KNOW she can dance.