That last slideshow made my soul microwave itself. I figured six consecutive slides in which I became increasingly frustrated was easier to swallow than six posts, but still. I don’t know if Emma Stone is just washing that grey right out of my hair, or if this is great on its own merits.

The sleeves are bunching up weirdly at her elbows, like an excess of cellophane, but the color is lively on her and she’s carrying it off beautifully, and she threw in a houndstooth shoe, which is the perfect splash of activity. What’s more, for some reason the collar and the whole charmingly demure vibe are giving me Annie flashbacks, and that is a great place to be. Okay, so she was an orphan and living in squalor, but she had pluck! And surprisingly competent dental care considering you know Miss Hannigan just handed Mr. Bundles a quarter, a toothpick, a ball-peen  hammer, and a flashlight, and told him to do his best. Sigh. Where were we again? Oh right: I like this.

[Photo: Getty]

Tags: pink, Emma Stone