The reviews for Mother’s Day have been poetic in their loathing, ranging from general distaste to specific, far-reaching, frothing fury. It’s amazing. It makes me miss Roger Ebert, because for all the eloquent takedowns I’ve read, his would have been a julienning of three-Michelin-star caliber.
Given that, I will continue to applaud Kate Hudson for showing up and doing her job. She may have skipped one of the premieres, but EVERYONE ELSE seems to have skipped all these other things, and Kate is out there shilling with a smile… or, as close to it as she can manage, given the circumstances.
It helps that her dress is great. It’s got that Kate Hudson beach-maxi feel, but with funky detailing and splashes of unpredictable colors. In fact, I think she looks great in it, which may be the nicest thing anyone has written in a blog post connected to Mother’s Day since… oh, before the movie was in pre-production.
[Photo: Getty]