In case you were wondering:
Michelle Pfeiffer still looks amazing, and, in a miracle of previously unknown portions, ACTUALLY HAS FOREHEAD CREASES LIKE A HUMAN WOMAN OF 53 YEARS OLD. She told Elle that she doesn’t care if people have work done as long as they still look like themselves, but if girlfriend’s touched her face, whoever did it had a brilliantly light hand, because she looks like a person still. A gorgeous person whose shoes and dress I want to steal. Oh, Michelle. You are wearing a hideous wig in the New Year’s Eve preview, and I suspect you might be playing a mousey person with a terminal illness, but you are possibly the ONLY person in that movie whose face I saw and thought, “aw, I’ve missed her!” Here’s hoping your character at least gets to make out with Zefron before the final gong chimes.
[Photo: Getty]