It’s SLOW out there right now. All the celebs are in hiding, prepping for Fashion Week or the Toronto Film Festival or doing some weird juice fast for the Emmys that makes them incapable of rising from their oxygenated sleep tanks. So we must pounce on them while they do things like pick up Matilda Ledger from school and take her to get In N Out and ice cream:
I should look so polished when I’m walking around getting cheeseburgers and ice cream. Also, file this under: Better In Sunglasses, Everyone Looks. But I really just included this picture because Jason looks so interested in Matilda and I think that’s sweet. I am weirdly invested in this relationship.
Let’s take a closer look at Michelle.
I mean, is this the MOST DIRECTIONAL FASHION MOMENT OF THE YEAR?!?!?!!!! No. But it’s HOT out there and she looks totally charming and mod — the haircut is really working, and I love a polka dot and some good slim black pants — and sometimes it’s just nice to see someone running around not looking utterly schlump but also wearing something the rest of us could conceivably pull off. That’s all.
[Photos: Pacific Coast News]